Wednesday, February 8, 2006


So, I only did a half day at work today, that was nice to break up the week. I will do a full day tomorrow though. Then going out with Dan and a group from his work. Should be interesting.
Apparently I have finally become someone in "the community" (and I use the term loosely) because there are finally rumours that pertain to me. Namely that Dan and I had broken up. Well at least they are talking... Not sure where that came from though. So I showed up at the bar without him last Saturday night. I was only there for half an hour anyway and didn't figure anyone even saw me. Of course I did leave with a hot guy, though he was just a friend of a friend and was just going outside for a smoke... Oh well, let the rumours fly. Just consider the source.

That's it for me tonight. Friends, I love ya all.

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