Monday, March 13, 2006

A target on my back with Gord's name written all over it...

Okay, I am going to admit something here today that is likely going to cause me some grief. Here goes... Wait for it... Here it is...
This week I have been feeling old. Not old in the tired or achy sense. Old in the sense that I am feeling time running out. Now that sounds dramatic and that is not how I mean it. I have just been thinking about where I am at in life. I am starting to look into a mortgage to buy my house. A mortgage runs 25 years. So I will own the house about when I am ready to retire. It just seems a bit odd to me. There is so much I want to do with the place and I figure I will never be able to afford to do it until after I own it and really I feel I might be too old to enjoy it then.
Okay I admit that intellectually I know this does not really make all that much sense. I mean really 65 is not all that old anymore. And at least I know that when I am 65 I will only look 40 anyway. Still, it has kinda been on my mind.
So take your best shot Mr Wolfe. I know you want to. And I'll still love you anyway after you do.

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