Wednesday, March 8, 2006

A freaky assed rainbow of colours

COLA night tonight. Started with dinner with Meghan and Claire and of course ended with tea at The Goat. Tonights topic was PORN. We had fun with it. Not much more to say about it than that. If you want to know more you should come to the meeting.
I am really quite ready for the weekend. It has already been a long week and I still have 2 days left. They are painting at work and I am not sure if it is the fumes or everybody bitching about the fumes that gave me the headache. Maybe it was the random and grotesque choice of colours used. What is it with corporate decorating; just a bunch of random colours on random walls. Why not just pick a colour and go with it. From my cubicle I can see a vile green, off white, red and purple. I hear there is a mustard yellow still to come on one wall that hasn't been done yet. That's 5 colours just from my desk. That really is a bit freaky.
Well now I must go pick up Mr Wolfe from work and ferry the fairy to the ferry. TTFN

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