Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Pride continued...

I had to read my last blog to see where I left off. I wrote that one Sunday morning when I was feeling kinda rough. It went slightly downhill from there then quickly uphill.
We went off to breakfast with Emma and a few of her friends. Needless to say I was not really looking forward to food. We went to a cool place and sat on a rooftop patio. I had decided on the Farmer's Breakfast, hold the eggs, sausage, bacon, and ham. In other words toast and homefries. The orange juice that preceded breakfast made me feel a whole lot better though so I just held the sausage and ham. Mercifully the bacon was peameal bacon thus not greasy. Anyway it all went down good and I was ready for the rest of the day.
Off we headed down Bloor Street to find a spot to watch the parade. We found a good spot that was going to be in the shade for at least part of the event. The boy is sensitive and burns. I would have been okay in full sun. The parade was pretty good. Hundreds of pictures were taken. If you are one of the chosen you will be able to see them upon request if you have not already been sent the link. We had a good time. Jenn met up with us to watch the parade and with her help I came out of it with at least 30 condoms, many beads and some cheap crap candy. Love free stuff. Gord and the boys were not really in any shape to join us but we managed without them. We went to visit them after and really, I am not sure they even really knew we were there. After stopping in there we headed off to cruise Church Street for a while before heading back to get our stuff together and have dinner with Emma. Then we picked Jenn up and headed back to Kingston.
Monday was a bit of a blur. It was very busy at work. Didn't do much in the evening. Gordo dropped by on his way home. Told some tales. I just shake my head. Love him but still shake my head.
Today was somewhat of a blur as well. Not as busy though. Still seemed to go by quick enough. After work came home, had dinner, went to the gym. That's about it.
Looking forward to dining with the gang tomorrow night. Kinda miss them.
So that's it for now...

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Not as cheap a drunk as I thought...

Toronto Pride. Coming soon to a blog near you. And by soon I mean NOW.
So I totally couldn't understand how I got so drunk on 2 drinks. Further investigation soon revealed that those little bottles of vodka actually contain about 7 oz of fun. That is 7 drinks, not 2. My confusion lay with the fact that I drank the top portion of only 2 bottles of cranberry juice and added half the bottle of vodka to each. Hence 2 drinks. So by The Captain's standards I might still be a cheap drunk but at least I am not as cheap as I thought. Good times were had though with Dan and me, Gordo, Rob and Chris, and Katie and Amber.
By the way, I have dropped about $300.00 here this weekend. I love H&M. Emma and I should not be allowed to go there together. It is always expensive for me when we do. But I am so gonna look hot for the Pride Parade. New shorts, new shirt, and even new under-roos. Superman ones to be specific (Thanks Emma!). So gonna be showing those off.
So that was only about $100.00... Then we were off to the Oakley Store. Oh yeah,
I got 'em. I do not need to say more, you'll see 'em.
This is the part of my blog where I go back in time. I should mention Friday night. We got to Emma's place Friday night, Hung out till Dea showed up with her hot friend Jamie. Speaking of hot, Dea is such a cutie. She is so a gay boy in a hot girl's body. Love her. We all went out for sushi then came back to Em's and just hung out for a bit.
Saturday morning we were woken up by Dea bouncing on our bed, she came to say goodbye as she was off to the airport to fly away. We slept some more but eventually got up and ate danishes out on the balcony. Dan and I eventually made it down to Church Street. Spent the afternoon watching the boys, ran into a few locals. Just hung out. Then it was back to Em's for a rest, shower and costume change, then back downtown which brings us to the events at the beginning of this blog.
Now, the boy is still sleeping, as is everyone else in the apartment. I am feeling a bit rough. Very minor headache and my stomach is kinda saying "fuck you" but other than that I am ready to go.
This afternoon is the parade which will hopefully be better this year than last. Either way it's all good times.
I think that is enough for now. More to follow.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Finish the story on Saturn, I'm sure there is another story brewing...

So to let y'all know, the car is fixed, in 10 minutes, for free.
Can I tell you how happy I am about that... Mostly because it always seems when I am just getting caught up on bills and such something comes up to cost me money. Anyone who knows me at all, or who reads my blog knows I have more issues with money than anything else. I live well. Probably just a little beyond my means. I do get pretty depressed about money from time to time. And whenever I do get depressed about money I want to go out and buy myself something pretty. Very logical on my part eh...
So on the job front, still no word about the QEDC job. I did apply for another position at Queens. I am feeling more confident about applying. Or maybe just more desperate to get out of the hellhole I am at right now. It truly is time for me to get out of there. It was not so bad when I didn't mind the work. But now that I hate the work, the idiotic way the place is run is making me crazy.
So I think that is about it for now. I hope you are all taking notice of the more frequent blogs. I am trying.

Monday, June 19, 2006

To Saturn and back...

Well Dad said I was going to be surprised when I started looking into getting the bumper properly reattached to the rest of my car. Frankly he was right.
I decided to start at the top and went right to the Saturn Dealership. I walked in and asked for the service department and buddy with his Saturn logo on his polo shirt starts to explain the whole Automall structure to me. Just fucking tell me the service is over at Taylor GM. So I walk over to Taylor and was ignored by the GM Service guy for about 5 minutes before he directed me to Scott The Saturn Service guy. Scott was fantastic. Walked over to my car with me, took a look, Told me there was a metal thingy missing and that I should check the parking lot for it. If I couldn't find it to call him, he would order a new one at a cost of about $15.00 and, since I mentioned I work 9AM, to come by some morning at 8AM, which is when his mechanic gets there, and he will get it all put back together in about 15 minutes, possibly at no charge.
We will wait and see how it all works out in the end. I'll let y'all know since I know you live for this shit.
So now lets talk about Oakleys. Mikey has been wanting a pair of Oakleys for over a year now and it's time it happened. Went to the mall tonight, they don't have the ones I want. Figures. Well Toronto here I come next weekend. Surely I will find what I am looking for there... Again, I will let you know.
'Nuff for now.

Saturday, June 17, 2006

Good day, bad day, good day... Good night?

Good day:
Today started off with a haircut. After that we picked up Meghan and headed off to pass through some Open Doors.
For those of you unaware, Kingston has a day every year when many public buildings are open to see, as well as many museums and such are free to check out. We started out at the Corrections Museum, which I had been to before but was cool. We then stopped at some place that needs no mention. Then off to the Municiple Water Treatment Plant. Well as fascinating as water is that was not the highlight of the trip. It was interesting though. If nothing else it was nice to chat with someone who was actually interested in his work.
Bad day:
This is the part of the day where things go bad. We decided to leave the car at Meghan's place and walk downtown for the rest of the open doors. You know those concrete parking things? They can rip the bumper right off a Saturn. How do I know this you ask? It happened to me is how I know. I am so unhappy with myself over this. Enough said.
Good day:
On with the tour again. Princess of Whales Armouries, a parking lot inside a castle. Not much more to say. The Police station. Probably the best part of the day. Very nice Volunteer Policing Officer took the 3 of us on our own private tour. This man could have taken me on a private tour any time he liked. Man uniforms are HOT. One of the cool things was getting to see where Brett, my house-mate, works. Very cool. After that it was lunch at Subway. Shoal Tower and City Hall. Starbucks. Home to try and re-attach my bumper as best as I could. Sex.
Good night?
We are just about to head downtown in search of something light for dinner. Then at some point we are off to The Foo to start celebrating Pride. Mikey is going to get plastered. Saying that means I probably won't but it is the intention. We'll see.

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Ottawa... Capital of cold and rain...

Well yesterday was our trip to Ottawa to see CIRQUE DE SOLIEL. It was a good time, even though the show itself was not as good as the last one I saw; which apparently was not as good as the ones before that. The tent was very warm, but the acrobats were hot so it was okay. The story was a bit of a mystery but overall it was still a good watch.
After the show we headed uptown for dinner, drinks, and coffee. Dinner was a a pub called Heart and Crown, then heading back towards the car in the rain we stopped for a drink at another pub called Ales. Then Starbucks for a coffee for me since I had to moderate the alcohol intake because I was the DD. By the way, stopped at 2 pubs and didn't manage to stop at The Cock and Lion. What's that about?
After wasting another hour or so there we were in the car getting ready to go to EDGE. Also known as TWINKS R US which is, of course, fine by me. Had a couple of drinks there and headed out around 1AM. Got home after an uneventful drive. Then off to bed.
This morning was Sunday Brunch at The Goat. This afternoon has a trip to Wolfe Island and possibly a cell phone purchase for Dan. I am feeling the need to buy myself something pretty too. We'll see how that goes. Something pretty, for me could mean the wireless kit for the laptop. Or at least a new mouse for it. Yeah, we'll see.
That's all for now.

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Happy Endings

So I watched a movie called HAPPY ENDINGS tonight. I have been wanting to see it for a while and bought it cheap a couple weeks ago. Well I was not dissapointed though I am sure some of you who rush out to see it because I posted a blog about it will be.
I have always liked movies that have lots going on with lots of different characters and knowing that it was all going to come together in the end, and trying to figure out how it was all going to come together as the movie progresses. It works out to be like a murder mystery without the murder. Funny too because this movie came with a disclaimer stating nobody was going to die on screen.
So let me tell you one more thing. Lisa Kudrow is awesome in this movie. Okay, one more thing. Jason Ritter is HOT.
Finally, for those who think I am dead inside. I cried at the end of this movie. Is it weird that "sad" rarely makes me cry but "happy" sometimes does.
So anyway, if you want to borrow the DVD, just ask.

Friday, June 9, 2006

Hoping to cut the mustard, not pick it up...

Well it has been a busy day in Mike's head today. Been in a weird mood for most of the day. I guess that is better than having my stomach in knots all day like yesterday. The mere possibility of getting a new job has me hating the one I have all the more. Well time will tell. I should have some indication of what is going on by this time next week.
Other than that Gord's latest drama has been unfolding on my phone, text message after text message. And he wonders why I worry about him. Oh well, what's a mother to do?
Looking forward to Saturday coming. Dan, Gord and I are heading up to see CIRQUE DE SOLIEL in Ottawa. Our Christmas gift to Gord. Should be a good time. We may go out to the bar in Ottawa for a change. We'll see.
Of course there will be brunch at The Goat on Sunday morning. So far that is about it. I guess there is some work around the house that we should fit in somewhere.
So that's it... If I get the shit in my head figured out you guys will be able to read about it here. If not... Therapy here I come.

Sunday, June 4, 2006

Anyone know the number for Acme Locker Installation Inc?

Well... We went out to The Foo last night. We went for Duck's Birthday but really we hardly saw him at all. It was a reasonably good night. Stayed till 2AM or so. Danced a little, drank a little, drank a little more. Had a little dance floor heart-to-heart with Gordo. Don't want to make him feel bad that I worry about him. Really it's not my fault I worry. It just comes naturally to me. My worries may be unfounded (or they may be TOTALLY founded) but they are still there. Sometimes it is beyond me why I am so protective of the big dope but I really have never been able to pin down why I love the people I do. People come into my life all the time but some of them just click into place and I know they are going to be there for a while. Anyway I know he is at least as protective of me as I am of him. No matter the worries I still like knowing he'll always be around.
So there has been a decorating breakthrough here with Dan and I. I finally get my animal print. The deal is though that it goes in Gord's room. On that note, we are wondering if we should still be calling it Gord's room. It might go back to being called the guest room and we might just install a locker in the bathroom for Gord. This is all of course yet to be determined. Oh, back to the animal print. I am thinking Zebra. Also thinking it might be time for a door.
So Sunday brunch this week was at Pan Chancho, just to mix it up a bit. Have the French Toast if you go, it was awesome. Bryan, Natasha & Mike, Lynn, Meghan & Claire, Dan & I. Good times. Back to The Goat next week I believe.
By the way, Bryan you are my computer god. Oh, and who cares about the other people in the locker-room.

Friday, June 2, 2006

Happy Friday...

Well I finally made it to Friday. I seriously didn't think it was ever gonna get here. Work sucked but the evening was nice. After heading over to do a quick bit of shopping Tracy & Dan came over for a couple drinks. Nice to chat with them for a bit.
The weekend is as full as our weekends get. Dan's Dad is here Saturday. Going to The Foo for the first time in a while Saturday night. The usual Sunday Brunch and whatever else comes up to round out the weekend.
Oh and it is suposed to rain all weekend so I have an excuse for not doing any yard work. Really I am pretty caught up on that anyway.
So, let me work some sex into that and it will be all good. I love the weekends.

Thursday, June 1, 2006

A whore of a different kind?

So I have kinda decided that I am a bit of a social whore. After so many years spent sitting at home every night I really like to go out to places where there are people. I don't even have to interact with the people any more than talking to the server while ordering my coffee. Just being out there works for me.
Going for our walk downtown, to Starbucks or The Goat for coffee. It feels very urban to me. I don't even know how to describe how or why I like it.
That being said I VERY MUCH enjoy our Thursday night (formerly Wednesday night) dinner gatherings with Meghan & Claire and Howie & Neil. In fact I am very much looking forward to it tonight, it certainly is what will get me through my day.
So now that we have that out of the way, I just want to reassure everyone that I am still a whore in the modern-classic sense of the word too. I love sex. Can't get enough. Can't not look at bois. Can't not flirt. Can't not think about having sex with all the hot bois I see. WHORE!
To close I would just like to thank the inventor of the suction cup, whoever that is... I owe you one.