Friday, March 16, 2007


Well wasn't this a long week? Well it was for me to be sure, but the weekend is now upon us. So tonight after work we headed to the gym. Got a glimpse of a beautiful ass or two. Then off to Sipps for tea with Howie & Neil and the Toronto lesbians. Then back to Howie & Neil's for apple pie. Tomorrow has us heading to hang out with the Lyndhurst lesbians. That is unless we get snowed in overnight. It is pretty nasty out there right now. I am not too pleased at the return of winter but hopefully it won't last too long or have any lasting effects. We just got rid of almost all the snow this week and now everything is white again.
By the way I had another cappuccino tonight. I have a feeling I am not going to be sleeping tonight. Oh well, we'll see.
Not much more to say.

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