Tuesday, September 16, 2008

LOL for real

So, I laughed out loud in Starbucks again. This time I was reading Augusten Burrough's "Running With Scissors" and this time people noticed. The girl accross from me looked up and a guy who was just coming in looked. He then checked out the book I was reading and gave me a knowing smile and nod. Apparently I am not the only fan.

Some good news: It looks like I am actually going to be getting a Christmas Vacation this year. At least 5 days off in a row starting with Christmas Eve. I hardly know what I am going to do with it all, other than enjoy it of course.

1 comment:

madhouse 6 said...

same thing happened to me on the plane the other day - was reading a book ("lost on planet china" by j maarten troost; wicked funny). laughed out loud - everyone turned and stared at me.

when did it become a law that you can't laugh on a plane?