Tuesday, January 31, 2006

What would I do without you?

So here we go. Really just an average day. Worked. Came home. Had dinner. Watched some TV and chatted for a bit.
So I could end the blog there but that would be pretty boring so I need to come up with something to talk about. Maybe some deep meaningful insight I came up with today...
Lets talk about friends. I spent 4 years in a relationship with a guy who systematically cut me off from the friends I had and kept me from making new ones. Now that he is long gone and pretty much forgotten I look around and see friends.
Gordon, maybe known to you as Crywolfe, was there to listen to the daily tales of the breakdown of the relationship. He told me everyday to dump the bastard but never judged me because I didnt. Thats a friend. Since we first started talking we have both ended relationships, started new relationships (in his case a few times over) and basically developed an intense dysfunctional friendship that neither of us could possibly explain.
Tracy Whenever I need a laugh there you are. Zany as ever and just the sweetest thing. Killer rack too, not that I am into that. Kim My rock. Who else would I go to when I needed a dose of reality. Lynn No idea where you are or what you are doing but we never forget our first love. Whether you want to talk to me or not I still love you. Mostly because I know if I needed you you would be there. Hope you know I would be there for you too. Jenn, you know I think you are hot too
Dan has also brought some friends into my life. Meghan, Claire, Ryan, Bryan, Emma to name a few. I might feel kinda dumb and old around you guys sometimes but I really do enjoy all your company.

Thats all folks.

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