Monday, January 30, 2006

Film as Art

Well Reelout 7 continues. Today we saw a series of short films by gay and lesbian artists. This is totally different than short films ABOUT gay and lesbian subjects/topics. Film as art is a totally odd thing to me. To me a film should tell a story or inform. I like to walk out of a film with something. Confusion is NOT what I want to carry out with me. Saw 7 or 8 movies ranging in length from 3 to 15 minutes and I dont have a fucking clue what any one of them was about. That being said I am still happy I went. I would rather say I gave it a shot and got nothing out of it than getting nothing out of it from not even giving it a chance.

After the shorts we went and saw the new UNDERWORLD movie with Gord and Jeff. That was fun. Followed its predecessor quite nicely. Just what I needed was some blood and violence
Well that about covers the weekend. Another good one. Now we just have to get through the workweek again.

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