Friday, May 13, 2011

Another Blog All Together

So last time I mentioned getting int the habit...  I mentioned getting in the habit of writing again but more to the point of this entry getting in the habit of being active.  Running, biking, climbing and yoga to be more specific.

So here is the plan (stolen from a friend): Starting June 1st I am going to do one of the above activities every day for 30 days.  I plan on setting up an alternative blog but I warn you it will be short and dry, I do not anticipate any entries more in depth than a few lines confirming I got my ass out of my apartment and did something.

One final thing, I reserve the right to substitute activities from time to time.  Frankly, some days walking downtown to get my car after a drinking binge is going to be my activity.  I am at peace with this.

PS: I am told a good romp in the sheets could possibly be a substitute activity but I'll keep that as extra curriculars for bonus points.

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