Wednesday, May 13, 2009

End of an era...

Today is my last day with Penny. She is sleeping next to me on the couch, and snoring quite loudly I might add. In about 2 hours we will be heading to the vet. She would not sleep on the bad last night which was odd but very telling. This morning she was quite swolen and the Prednisone didn't make a big difference. Her breathing is a bit laboured and she is not moving around well. It is very obvious that she isn't very comfortable anymore so I have made the decision that I have known for a while I was going to have to make. It isn't easy but I know it is the right thing to do. I sure know I will miss her.

I also hate to admit it but I am going to be somewhat relieved. To be honest it has been a bit exhausting. Some days, because of scheduling I have had to run home from work on my half hour lunch to let her out because the Prednisone had her drinking lots so she was unable to go a full 8 hours. All that and the fact that it has all been weighing on me in general. I feel bad that I even think about it being a relief after its done but I can't help that it does cross my mind.

That being said it will be very odd not having her greet me when I get home. I also wonder how it is going to affect Jessie now that she is going to be an "only dog" after living with Penny all her life. I guess time will tell.

That's it for now.

1 comment:

Kea said...


Hard to see the keyboard when you're bawling. *Sigh*

Death is often a relief, as well as a sorrow, for those who are left to continue on. Especially when the human or animal has been sick and it's been hard slogging with them, day to day. It's just the way it is, no need for guilt or to feel badly.

At least know you gave Penny a final gift--freedom from any suffering and peace.